Meet the Mentor: Ika Nurfitriani Listyanti, HR Mentor in Residence at New Energy Nexus Indonesia

With approximately 8 years of experience in the field of Human Resources (HR), Ika has established herself as an expert in her field. She began her career as a recruiter in an IT company and has progressed through various HR functions, including talent management and learning and development. In the past year, Ika has taken on the role of Human Capital Business Partner, serving as the primary point of contact for Line Managers regarding all HR-related needs.

In 2020, Ika joined as a Mentor in Residence to support startups participating in the acceleration and incubation programs of New Energy Nexus Indonesia that needed consultations related to HR management. The first clean energy startup she mentored was Powerbrain. “I remember in the middle of 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I saw this opportunity to become a Mentor in Residence for clean energy startups at New Energy Nexus Indonesia. I believe that opportunities arise when we are ready to accept them, so I was motivated to give it a try.”

Ika expressed that learning is one of her passions. As she continuously seeks new knowledge, sharing her knowledge and experiences has naturally become an interest of hers. “One of my joys is learning new things. When I have many opportunities to learn, it also inspires me to share what I know,” she said.

Ika mentioned that she derives a unique satisfaction from seeing startup founders and C-level executives who are her mentees learn various aspects of HR management. This process has become a two-way exchange for her; while she shares her knowledge, she also learns a great deal about HR strategies and practices in smaller teams of 3, 5, or 10 people, compared to the corporate environments she is in on day-today work.

In the last two years, Ika has assisted five clean energy startups: Powerbrain, Leastric, Enermo, Enerma, and Sealog. “I still maintain a good relationship with Powerbrain. Occasionally, I share information that I believe would benefit their development, as well as potential fundraising opportunities they might consider. Powerbrain team has also reached out several times to provide updates on their startup or to ask me questions via email,” she said.

“I am also impressed and surprised by how young these startup founders are. The challenges they face are diverse; however, I see that they are fortunate to learn about people management from the early stages, when their teams are still small. This experience will better equip them to address issues as their teams grow larger.”

Ika believes that there are several fundamental aspects related to HR that startup founders need to consider. “Firstly, startup founders must be aware of regulations, as legally established businesses, such as limited liability companies (PT), must adhere to government rules. This includes regulations regarding overtime, termination of employment, and other basic matters. Decisions should not violate the law, as this could lead to financial losses in the future,” Ika stated.

“Secondly, build a company culture where employees feel comfortable and happy in their work. Trust me, when employees are happy, they will give their best, which can help minimize high turnover rates. Continuous recruitment can be time-consuming and costly,” Ika added.

Ika recommends establishing an agile work culture while still maintaining certain guidelines, allowing the team to work efficiently and effectively while also being flexible in applying work methods that make them comfortable.

At the end of the interview session with Ika, she shared tips for building a company that embraces inclusivity, shared values, and provides equal opportunities as part of its corporate culture. Founders and the existing team must maintain an open mindset to accept and accommodate differences while setting aside personal preferences to achieve collective goals. “We must recognize that everyone comes from different backgrounds and has varying needs, so it’s essential to understand and accommodate these aspects to minimize discrimination.” Ika added.

Some important considerations, especially in recruitment, include establishing objective indicators to ensure that the assessment of applicants is as unbiased as possible, free from gender bias and other prejudices. “Additionally, recruit individuals who are culturally aligned with the company’s values so that together we can build a synergistic work culture. Openness and diversity need to be continually fostered,” Ika concluded at the end of the session.

Mentor in Residence program is one of the capacity-building methods for startup founders and C-level executives participating in the Smart Energy Program by New Energy Nexus Indonesia. Currently, New Energy Nexus Indonesia is launching Cohort 4, the final batch of this year for its incubation and acceleration program. Seize the opportunity to enhance your startup team’s capabilities in areas such as HR, Marketing, or Legal, tailored to your startup’s needs, with the support of a Mentor in Residence.

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