New Energy Nexus Indonesia & AJI Denpasar Launch Journalist Fellowship Program

We are inviting passionate journalists to create impactful stories under the theme “The Role of Business & Innovation in Achieving Bali’s Net Zero Emissions.” 

This journalist training and mentoring program provides fellowships to 5 qualified participants who pass the selection process. Fellows will receive funding assistance to cover the proposed and approved theme. This fellowship is open to young journalists (up to 30 years old) from print, online, television, and radio media throughout Bali.

Interested journalists must submit a coverage plan or proposal with the theme “The Role of Business & Innovation in Achieving Bali’s Net Zero Emissions.” Proposals must be submitted to the committee via no later than September 3rd, 2024.

The coverage plan should include:

  • The angle/questions to be answered from the main theme;
  • A summary of the background, initial data/documents, and an explanation of why this coverage is important;
  • A list of sources ready for interviews, data/documents, and reports needed to complete the coverage, and a budget estimate.

Each coverage plan should be submitted by one journalist. Each participant can submit multiple coverage proposals. Participation in this fellowship must be known and approved by the editor-in-chief or regional bureau chief and proven in writing. 

Proposals will be selected based on the interest of the proposed angle, the strength of the initial documents/data, and the feasibility of completing the coverage within the given timeframe. Journalists whose proposals are deemed feasible will be required to participate in training and field visits for 2 days and will receive a fellowship grant of Rp 3.000.000,-. This grant will be disbursed in two stages until the publication of the article.

Important Dates

  • August 12 – September 3 : Fellowship Registration and Proposal Submission
  • September 7-8 : Pre test, Training and Field Visit to Keliki Village and Fellowship Announcement
  • September 9-14 : Coverage Period
  • September 14-21 : Post test, Publication of Coverage Results

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