Energy Equity

Cultivate and support female talents in clean energy and climate sectors, and climate tech innovators, startups, and entrepreneurs in developing scalable solutions to increase productive use of energy in under and less-developed areas.

Matangi Bali Initiative

Encouraging the development of innovation and entrepreneurial climate solutions to foster economic growth in Bali.

“Matangi,” in Balinese, means “awaken,” reflecting the essence of reviving the values of life in Balinese society, a life intertwined with nature. The Bali Matangi Initiative aims to create innovation and climate solution entrepreneurship to drive more sustainable economic growth in Bali. Our journey in Bali began in 2021 through the Bali Women Climate Entrepreneur Project.

This initiative is initiated by New Energy Nexus Indonesia as part of the Bali Clean Zero Emission Coalition with the CAST Foundation, IESR & WRI Indonesia. The Bali Clean Zero Emission Coalition is supported by the Climateworks Foundation & ViriyaENB.

Dilau Initiative

Promoting prosperity and sustainable green economy in coastal communities through the operational practices of the fishing industry with environmentally friendly technology.

Collaborating with Milkywire, this project aims to address the complex challenges faced by fisherfolks communities on Bungin Island. This pilot project aims to promote economic growth and enhance the quality of life in coastal communities. By introducing and encouraging the adoption of environmentally friendly technologies such as electric boats and solar-powered cold storage, coastal communities can reduce operational costs and promote sustainable fishing practices.