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Indonesia 1 Fund

Indonesia 1 Fund adalah kendaraan investasi katalitik yang diprakarsai oleh New Energy Nexus untuk menyediakan pendanaan Pre-Seed ke Seri A kepada startup energi terbarukan di Indonesia yang berkontribusi kuat pada dampak ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan.

Pendanaan Indonesia 1 Fund bertujuan untuk mengurangi risiko, meningkatkan skala untuk investor lanjutan dan mengatasi kesenjangan pendanaan tahap awal untuk startup di Indonesia sekaligus mencapai apresiasi modal jangka panjang.

Didukung oleh:

Smart Energy Grant

Smart Energy Grants adalah pendanaan non-komersial yang ditujukan kepada startup yang telah mengikuti program New Energy Nexus Indonesia. Smart Energy Grant bertujuan untuk mendukung startup yang sedang mengembangkan prototipe dan mencapai product-market fit, agar dapat menguji ide bisnis-nya.

Didukung oleh:

Dampak Dari Pendanaan Kami

Dampak Lingkungan & Sosial


Startup Didukung


tCO₂ₑ Terhindar


Pekerja Perempuan*

*dari total 316 pekerjaan.


Revenue Growth*

*Revenue Growth merupakan pendapatan kumulatif dari perusahaan portofolio per Desember 2022 dibandingkan dengan pendapatan kumulatif mereka sebelum bergabung dengan Indonesia 1 Fund.

Mobilisasi Pendanaan




Mobilisasi Pendanaan Co-Investor


Komitmen Investasi Lanjutan


We express our deepest gratitude to New Energy Nexus Indonesia for their invaluable assistance, beginning with our incubation process in 2021 through to the funding of our pilot project in 2022-2023. This pilot project has proven to be a significant milestone for BANANA & Partners in demonstrating that an integrated waste management concept can foster sustainable businesses and deliver significant social, economic, and environmental impacts to the community. What means the most to us is the unyielding support and spirit of innovation from the stakeholders of New Energy Nexus Indonesia in our pursuit of creating lasting prosperity. #ForSustainableProsperity

Rifqi Al-Ghifari
Muhamad Rifqi Al-Ghifari Chief Business Officer of BANANA & Partners

New Energy Nexus has taught me to be more realistic in strategizing our business sustainability. Therefore through the program,
I learned that strategic skills and measuring impact through our work are essential. Our business should think about how we can positively impact society and the environment.

bw-foto mbak nimas (1)
Nimas Pratiwi Director of BLUE

We are grateful for the Funds from New Energy Nexus and IKEA foundation,
as it has strengthened our operational capabilities to bring 100% clean energy to vulnerable communities in remote areas across Indonesia.

bw-CEO - RPRE (Robin)
Robin Pho CEO of RPRE

Support from New Energy Nexus has enabled us to develop a clear business plan,
develop our company culture and made us more confident and resilient.

bw-photo Sarah Hobgen
Dr. Sarah Hobgen Managing Director of Sumba Sustainable Solutions

Nexus Energy (through CalCEF) had a wealth of experience in investing in global commercial and industrial (C&I) rooftop companies as well as many promising Indonesian Solar Construction Companies. We are thrilled to have them onboard to accelerate our learning and collaboration with the other Nexus portfolio companies. Through this funding, we plan to continue expanding our Solar Rooftop pipeline to accelerate the implementation of the use of Solar Energy in Indonesia.

bw-Foto Pak Eka (Xurya)
Eka Himawan Managing Director of Xurya Daya Indonesia

We are very grateful for the opportunity to work together with New Energy Nexus.
We will use the fund to build innovative products and ecosystems needed to increase the number of solar system users in Indonesia.

bw-Amarangga Lubis
Amarangga Lubis CEO of SolarKita

Our big mission is to replace fossil fuels with wave energy as the main source of energy.
Thanks to the Smart Energy Grant, we are able to take the first step in developing a prototype for our wave energy generator.

Seno Co-Founder of Pendulum

New Energy Nexus has helped Bionersia’s team to finalize our project.
We are delighted to have been given the opportunity to join this wonderfully helpful program.

bw-Almira Ose
Almira Ose CEO of Bionersia

Nexus Incubation Program has helped us to create problem-solution fit, product-market validation, and business model validation to improve our business. This program creates an ecosystem for clean energy startups to learn from each other.

bw-Siti Farah Muthia
Siti Farah CEO of Forbetric

Inovasi is thankful for New Energy Nexus’ grant to enable the project development activities toward the project funding of a rural electrification project serving up to 3,500 people.

bw-Bayu - Managing Director Inovasi Dinamika Pratama
Bayu Setyaning Founder and CEO of Inovasi

We are pleased that our green energy initiatives can continue.
For us, funding from Nexus is support and proof that the world is moving in a better direction. Thanks Nexus!

bw-Alfons 2
Alfons Tefa CEO of Enermo