Ya, Anda dapat mendaftar untuk Energy Policy Bootcamp secara independen dari Hackathon.
Ya, Anda dapat mendaftar selama memenuhi kriteria sebagai mahasiswa pascasarjana aktif dalam rentang usia yang ditentukan.
Tidak, acara ini ditujukan untuk lulusan baru yang belum memiliki pekerjaan penuh waktu di sektor energi dalam dua tahun terakhir.
Acara Kick-Off akan dilaksanakan secara luring di Jakarta. Energy Policy Bootcamp akan dilaksanakan sepenuhnya secara daring. Policy Hackathon Pitching & Awarding Day akan dilaksanakan luring di Jakarta. Peserta dari luar Jakarta akan mendapatkan akomodasi berupa transportasi pulang-pergi dan penginapan hotel.
Tidak, program ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Pada fase awal, peserta akan bersaing dengan mengirimkan policy brief sesuai dengan format yang disediakan dalam panduan. Sepuluh finalis teratas dan lima finalis teratas akan melanjutkan untuk membuat proyek capstone berdasarkan policy brief mereka, dengan presentasi yang juga dapat diakses dalam buku panduan.
New Energy Nexus Indonesia akan melakukan matchmaking berdasarkan kesesuaian latar belakang dan minat topik masing-masing peserta. Matchmaking akan dilakukan pada akhir Energy Policy Bootcamp.
Hal ini diperbolehkan asalkan telah disetujui oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat.
Yes, you are welcome to register for the Energy Bootcamp independently of the Hackathon.
Yes, you may register as long as you meet the criteria for active graduate students within the specified age range.
No, the event is focused on recent graduates who do not yet have full-time professional employment in the energy sector within the past two years.
The Kick-Off will be held offline in Jakarta. The Energy Bootcamp will be conducted entirely online. The Policy Hackathon will be held offline in Jakarta. Participants from outside Jakarta will receive accommodations including round-trip transportation and hotel lodging.
No, this program is free of charge with no fees or costs associated.
In the initial phase, participants will compete by submitting policy briefs according to the format provided in the guidebook. The top 10 and top 5 finalists will proceed to create capstone projects based on their policy briefs, with presentation decks also accessible in the guidebook format.
New Energy Nexus Indonesia will conduct matchmaking based on the compatibility of each participant’s background and topic interests. Matchmaking will take place at the end of the Energy Policy Bootcamp.
This is permissible provided it is agreed upon by the parties involved.
Ya, Anda dapat mendaftar untuk Energy Policy Bootcamp secara independen dari Hackathon.
Ya, Anda dapat mendaftar selama memenuhi kriteria sebagai mahasiswa pascasarjana aktif dalam rentang usia yang ditentukan.
Tidak, acara ini ditujukan untuk lulusan baru yang belum memiliki pekerjaan penuh waktu di sektor energi dalam dua tahun terakhir.
Acara Kick-Off akan dilaksanakan secara luring di Jakarta. Energy Policy Bootcamp akan dilaksanakan sepenuhnya secara daring. Policy Hackathon Pitching & Awarding Day akan dilaksanakan luring di Jakarta. Peserta dari luar Jakarta akan mendapatkan akomodasi berupa transportasi pulang-pergi dan penginapan hotel.
Tidak, program ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Pada fase awal, peserta akan bersaing dengan mengirimkan policy brief sesuai dengan format yang disediakan dalam panduan. Sepuluh finalis teratas dan lima finalis teratas akan melanjutkan untuk membuat proyek capstone berdasarkan policy brief mereka, dengan presentasi yang juga dapat diakses dalam buku panduan.
New Energy Nexus Indonesia akan melakukan matchmaking berdasarkan kesesuaian latar belakang dan minat topik masing-masing peserta. Matchmaking akan dilakukan pada akhir Energy Policy Bootcamp.
Hal ini diperbolehkan asalkan telah disetujui oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat.
Ketika memulai atau mengembangkan bisnis, penting bagi kita untuk memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam tentang produk atau layanan kita serta memahami keunggulan bisnis kita dibandingkan dengan pesaing. Konsep Value Proposition merupakan alat yang membantu kita untuk memperdalam pemahaman tentang produk atau layanan, menganalisis kebutuhan konsumen, dan menciptakan nilai yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka.
Durasi: 1 jam
Memahami cara merencanakan strategi bisnis yang efisien menjadi aspek penting dalam mengembangkan ekspansi bisnis ke pasar yang lebih luas. Implementasi strategi bisnis dapat menjaga konsistensi dan memastikan pencapaian tujuan bisnis Anda tetap terfokus. Modul ini akan mengulas secara mendalam bagaimana merancang strategi implementasi ide bisnis yang efektif, mencakup langkah-langkah prosesnya, studi kasus, dan tantangan yang mungkin dihadapi dalam penyusunan strategi tersebut.
Durasi: 1 jam
Penyusunan proposal bisnis merupakan platform bagi wirausahawan untuk mengembangkan ide bisnis secara lebih terinci. Oleh karena itu, pentingnya memiliki ide bisnis yang optimal menjadi syarat penting dalam penyusunan proposal bisnis ini. Modul ini akan membahas cara mengembangkan ide bisnis yang lebih terperinci dalam proposal bisnis yang berkualitas, yang secara tidak langsung akan mempercepat akselerasi ide bisnis dengan lebih efisien, terarah, dan membantu meyakinkan calon mitra bisnis Anda.
Durasi: 1 jam
Modul ini akan membahas dasar-dasar kewirausahaan berorientasi iklim, termasuk pengenalan pada metode Design Thinking sebagai landasan. Modul juga menekankan urgensi kewirausahaan berorientasi iklim dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim di Bali, sambil mempertahankan dan memperkuat budaya lokal, serta pentingnya peran perempuan dan pemuda.
Durasi: 1 jam
Diskusi dengan pembuat kebijakan adalah aspek penting dari proses pembuatan kebijakan, melibatkan dialog antara pembuat kebijakan, pemangku kepentingan, ahli, dan masyarakat untuk memberikan informasi dalam pengambilan keputusan dan membentuk hasil kebijakan tentang transisi energi. Diskusi dengan pembuat kebijakan akan diadakan di setiap provinsi, mengundang peserta terpilih dari NEX STEP XChange untuk bergabung dan menyajikan ide-ide mereka.
Policy Workshop adalah platform interaktif dan kolaboratif di mana para ahli dan individu yang memiliki perhatian terhadap isu energi bersih berkumpul untuk mendiskusikan, menganalisis, dan mengembangkan solusi kebijakan atas masalah dan tantangan dalam menghadapi isu transisi energi di daerah. Workshop ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi dialog, pertukaran ide, dan pemecahan masalah praktis.
Policy Debate Competition merupakan kompetisi yang memantik pemikiran mahasiswa di mana mereka dapat terlibat dalam argumentasi secara formal tentang proposal kebijakan atau isu tertentu yang berfokus pada transisi energi di Jawa Timur. Sebagai gambaran, akan ada dua tim yang bersaing satu sama lain. Dimana, satu tim berargumen mendukung kebijakan yang diusulkan (sisi pendukung), sementara tim lainnya berargumen menentangnya (sisi kontra).
Policy Case Competition mendorong kaum muda untuk berpikir secara kritis, analitis, dan kreatif untuk menyajikan solusi-solusi inovatif mengenai studi kasus dari setiap provinsi tentang isu transisi energi di level sub-nasional. Kompetisi ini akan dilakukan secara berkelompok untuk mengembangkan solusi kebijakan yang komprehensif dalam mengatasi isu yang nyata.
(1.1) This terms and conditions (general competition rules) shall be binding on you when entering competition operated by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM.
(1.2) This general competition rules apply to all NEX STEP XChange participants. New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM may amend them from time to time.
(1.3) By entering the competition entrants will be deemed to have read and understood these rules and be bound by them.
(2.1) Participants must be enrolled as university students from the respective province (Jawa Barat*/DKI Jakarta/DI Yogyakarta) aged 18 to 30 years with an interest in energy transition.*All universities in West Java, except those in Depok and Bekasi. Students from these two cities can register for the competition held in DKI Jakarta.
(2.2) You must provide personal details as reasonably requested. Refusal to comply will result in disqualification from the contest.
(2.3) All decisions of New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM will be final and binding.
(2.4) All entries must be received by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM by the closing date specified in the competition.
(3.1) Participants must register through the registration page on the website SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM and required to complete their personal data and other completeness on the registration page when registration begins. New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM does not accept various reasons for delays caused by participant negligence.
(3.2) No responsibility will be taken by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM for any things that are illegible, misdirected, lost for technical or other reasons or received after the closing date.
(4.1) The prize will be transferred directly to the winner’s account according to the terms to be informed later.
(4.2) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM, its affiliates, sponsors and representatives are not responsible for defective prizes, loss, or misuse of any prize.
(5.1) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM does not accept responsibility for entries data lost to the competition registration form.
(5.2) Fraudulent, illegible or incorrect entries will not be accepted.
(5.2) Source material utilised by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM subtheme/mosi compilers shall be taken as correct.
(5.3) The decision of New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM judges is final and conclusive in all circumstances.
(5.4) All entries become the property of New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM.
(5.5) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB / SRE UI / SRE UGM have the absolute right to disqualify participants who are deemed to have used improper technical means during the competition.
(6.1) Participants are willing to participate in photo and video sessions, and acknowledge that New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM have the right to use photos and/or videos for media purposes.
(6.2) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM may publicise, broadcast or otherwise disclose a participant’s name, statements or any recording of his or her voice in advertising or promotional activities concerning NEXT STEP XChange event.
(6.3) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB / SRE UI / SRE UGM may include information from participants for the needs of other activities that will be organized by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB / SRE UI / SRE UGM in the future.
(7.1) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM shall not be liable for any costs resulting from damages associated with competition prizes, except for those costs specifically provided for in the prize. This exclusion excludes liability for the negligence of New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB/ SRE UI/ SRE UGM.
(7.2) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB / SRE UI / SRE UGM are not responsible if there are things beyond their control and are not responsible for compensating participants in such situations.
(8.1) The assessment of the policy case competition carried out by the jury is based on case identification carried out by participants which includes all points of the assessment criteria mentioned in the study case Policy Case Competition guideline.
(8.2) The winner is determined by the judges on duty. New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITB / SRE UI / SRE UGM does not interfere in determining the winner of the competition.
(9.1) The entire or detail competition timeline is described in detail on the SRE ITB / SRE UI / SRE UGM website.
(1.1) This terms and conditions (general competition rules) shall be binding on you when entering competition operated by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS.
(1.2) This general competition rules apply to all NEX STEP XChange participants. New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS may amend them from time to time.
(1.3) By entering the competition entrants will be deemed to have read and understood these rules and be bound by them.
(2.1) This competition is open to all undergraduate students from universities located in East Java, aged 18-30 years, and have an interest in energy transition issues.
(2.2) You must provide personal details as reasonably requested. Refusal to comply will result in disqualification from the contest.
(2.3) All decisions of New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS will be final and binding.
(2.4) All entries must be received by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS by the closing date specified in the competition
(3.1) Participants must register through the registration page on the website SRE ITS and required to complete their personal data and other completeness on the registration page when registration begins. New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS does not accept various reasons for delays caused by participant negligence.
(3.2) No responsibility will be taken by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS for any things that are illegible, misdirected, lost for technical or other reasons or received after the closing date.
(4.1) The prize will be transferred directly to the winner’s account according to the terms to be informed later
(4.2) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS, its affiliates, sponsors and representatives are not responsible for defective prizes, loss or misuse of any prize.
(5.1) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS does not accept responsibility for entries data lost to the competition registration form.
(5.2) Fraudulent, illegible or incorrect entries will not be accepted.
(5.2) Source material utilised by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS subtheme/mosi compilers shall be taken as correct.
(5.3) The decision of New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS judges is final and conclusive in all circumstances.
(5.4) All entries become the property of New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS.
(5.5) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS have the absolute right to disqualify participants who are deemed to have used improper technical means during the competition.
(6.1) Participants are willing to participate in photo and video sessions, and acknowledge that New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS have the right to use photos and/or videos for media purposes.
(6.2) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS may publicise, broadcast or otherwise disclose a participant’s name, statements or any recording of his or her voice in advertising or promotional activities concerning NEXT STEP XChange event.
(6.3) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS may include information from participants for the needs of other activities that will be organized by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS in the future.
(7.1) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS shall not be liable for any costs resulting from damages associated with competition prizes, except for those costs specifically provided for in the prize. This exclusion excludes liability for the negligence of New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS.
(7.2) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS are not responsible if there are things beyond their control and are not responsible for compensating participants in such situations.
(8.1) The assessment of the policy case competition carried out by the jury is based on case identification carried out by participants which includes all points of the assessment criteria mentioned in the study case Policy Debate Competition guideline.
(8.2) The winner is determined by the judges on duty. New Energy Nexus Indonesia & SRE ITS does not interfere in determining the winner of the competition.
(9.1) The entire or detail competition timeline is described in detail on the (FUTUREST website).
(1.1) This terms and conditions (general workshop rules) shall be binding on you when entering workshop operated by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & (collaborator name).
(1.2) This general workshop rules apply to all NEX STEP XChange participants. New Energy Nexus Indonesia & (collaborator name)may amend them from time to time.
(1.3) By entering the workshop entrants will be deemed to have read and understood these rules and be bound by them.
(2.1) This activity is open to all youth (18 to 30 years old) who have an interest in energy transition.
(3.1) Participants must be able to access and open the registration page on the website (collaborator name).
(3.2) Participants are required to complete their personal data and other completeness on the registration page.
(4.1) Participants may be required by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & (collaborator name) to participate in a photo and video, and acknowledge that New Energy Nexus Indonesia & (collaborator name) has the right to use such publicity photos and videos in any medium.
(4.2) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & (collaborator name) may publicise, broadcast or otherwise disclose a participant’s name, statements or any recording of his or her voice in advertising or promotional activities concerning NEX STEP XChange event.
(4.3) New Energy Nexus Indonesia & (collaborator name) may include information from participants for the needs of other activities that will be organized by New Energy Nexus Indonesia & (collaborator name) in the future.
A policy case competition encourages young people to think critically, analytically, and creatively to present solution papers on study cases from each province about energy transition. Participants, organized into teams, develop a comprehensive policy solution to address a particular real-world problem or issue.
A policy debate competition is a thought-provoking event where university students can engage in formal arguments about a particular policy proposal or issue that focuses on energy transition. Figuratively, two teams compete against each other. One team argues in favor of the proposed policy (the affirmative side), while the other argues against it (the contra side).
A policy workshop is an interactive and collaborative event where experts and like-minded individuals come together to discuss, analyze, and develop policy solutions for specific issues or challenges about energy transition. These workshops aim to facilitate dialogue, exchange of ideas, and practical problem-solving.
Discussion with policymakers is a crucial aspect of the policymaking process, involving dialogue between policymakers, stakeholders, experts, and the public to inform decision-making and shape policy outcomes about energy transition. Discussions with policymakers will be held in each province, inviting selected participants from NEX STEP XChange to join and present their ideas.